Congregational History

Mission Start

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church began as a mission development in October 1988. Pastor Richard Lawrence and many dedicated, hard-working people led this mission effort. Worship services in the early years were held at the Knights of Columbus Hall and then the lower level of the Masonic Temple. In 1989, the mission statement was drafted and the charter was open for membership. Adoption of the Constitution and the election of our first Council occurred in January 1990, when we became an officially recognized Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregation.

The Groundbreaking Years

The present building site on Highway 70 West was selected and approved in 1990. Pastor Lawrence left in October 1992 and Margaret Johnson was installed as Pastor in January 1993. Groundbreaking ensued in May with the Mission Builders leading the construction together with members and friends of the congregation participating in the project. We celebrated the dedication of the new church building in January of 1994. Due to growing membership, an addition to accommodate a larger sanctuary was built and dedicated in 2003.

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Moving Forward in Mission

Lori Hunter was installed and commissioned as an Associate in Ministry, and Pastor Johnson retired, both in 2009. Rev. Dr. William Hayes was called to serve our congregation as interim pastor. On October 24, 2010, Rev. Lloyd Leo Luedeman was called to as pastor until February 2013. Intentional Interim Pastor Will Nordmark served from March 2013 through July 2014. Pastor Andrea Fluegel served from August 2014, through December 2021.

Prince of Peace continues to be a community that is gathered by grace and sent to serve.