Jon Cook; Millie Mutka, Zima family friends Cary Gramsch, Stefan Sladek, Mick, Steven and Marilyn Hummel; Gregory Bowens; Roger Jehnke; Amber Ross’s daughter Linda; Randy & Diane Niemczyk’s niece Sarah Joda, their dear friend Denise Hazel and Nancy Sexton; Valeria Hesselberg; Chris Markussen; Anne Verona’s sister/brother-in-law Pat & Woody Woodworth; Dawn Gonitzke’s brother Scott Premo; the Eberts friend Patricia Kulzick; the Ebert’s friend John Oliver; the Waggoner’s sister-in-law Cheryl Busse; Karen Engels’ niece Lisa and friends Bob and Dawn; Ann Carlson’s people Dwight, Stacy, Sarah, Ben, Staci, Curt and Janice; continued safe travels for all of us and our family and friends; and the people of Israel, Russia, Palestine and Ukraine.
PRAYER LIST PROCEDURE – Submit your prayer requests to the office in writing, by phone, by email or in person. If requesting prayers for someone other than yourself or an immediate family member, please obtain permission – unless the circumstances are public in nature. You may also submit a prayer request for events. For example – a family gathering and seeking prayers for safe travels to/from.
WORSHIP ON FACEBOOK – Live on Facebook on Sundays at 9:00 am and posted for later viewing.
COFFEE HOUR – there will be a little nosh after Worship today. Coffee and Kringle before you hit the links at 11:00 am.
AND THAT’S NOT ALL – GOLF ANYONE? TODAY IS THE DAY! If you were waiting to see if the weather was going to cooperate – you still can join in! After church today, 11:00 am, we will head to Eagle Falls Mini Golf Course for a round of golf! The cost will be $9 per person. 25 spaces have been reserved, but that number is flexible. Bring your guests, bring your family, bring your pew neighbor!
UPDATE YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD LIST – Kerry and Tom Walker are moving to Arizona! Here is their new contact information beginning September 6.
9602 West Rolling Hills Drive Sun City, AZ 85351-2459 Kerry’s Cell: 715-617-1602
(FYI – if it hadn’t been for Kerry’s thorough handoff (not even in person! She did it all via documentation) – there is no way I would have been able to figure out all of this stuff. I still need work. But if you like how I’ve been doing it – thank Kerry!)
GUESTS – if you are visiting us today, please sign our book at the entrance to the sanctuary.
GARBAGE VS RECYCLABLES – there are two garbage cans in the parking lot across from the Front Office door. One is for garbage and one is for recyclables. Please make sure you are using the correct can when disposing of items. We are fortunate to have a volunteer take our garbage and our recyclables to the dump for us at no-cost to the church. It isn’t fair to them to have to sort through it.
SWEET TREATS – a reminder that God’s Work – Our Hands will continue with Coffee Hour the first Sunday of the month. Donut Sunday on the second Sunday of the month. And Birthday Sunday on the third Sunday of the month. This month we get the bonus plan with Kringle to help fortify our golfers before they head out to the course after worship!
PHOTOGRAPHS – if you submitted an actual photograph for the directory – they are available for you to pick up in the Front Office.
ENDOWMENT GRANTS – Help the Endowment Team use our Endowment Fund as effectively as possible to enhance the mission outreach of Prince of Peace. As the fund’s custodian, the team is looking for ways to help the church ministry in the community. If you would like to offer a suggestion to the Endowment Team or financially contribute, get a request form from the narthex, the church office or the website. A donation of any amount will help immensely and be much appreciated. Recently our endowment made a contribution of $500 to Worship in the Wild and $250 to Northwoods Share.
GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS – There will be a celebration of the 10th anniversary of GWOH’s on Sep 8th. Lunch will be provided after worship for those assisting in putting together the personal care kits.
PERSONAL CARE KIT – God’s Work – Our Hands has a new project for us! If interested, pick up a flyer in the Narthex at the collection table. We will be collecting these items until Sep 1st.
NEW SPECIALIST IN TOWN – The ARDC of Vilas County let us know there is a new Elder Benefit Specialist in town. His name is J. Patrick Smothers. The Annual Medicare Open Enrollment period is coming up and he is offering free presentations on the following topics: Welcome to Medicare; Solving the Medicare Puzzle; Maximizing Your Medicare; Medicare Preventive Services; Medicare Programs in Wisconsin and Elder Fraud and Fraud Prevention. If there is enough interest, I would like to see if he would come once a week and present all of these topics. Please contact Ann in the Front Office if you are interested. If you only have a question for J. Patrick Smothers, you can reach him at 715-479-3625 or via email
MAY/JUNE MINUTES/TREASURER’S REPORT – We (me) are behind in getting the minutes and treasurer reports out to you. July was an ‘off’ month for council. August’s meeting approved the June minutes. Attached are May and June minutes and treasurer’s report.
NORTHERN LIGHTS NEWSLETTER – if you are interested in what is going on with the Northern Great Lakes Synod – please know the newsletter is posted on the bulletin board. Also – if you would like to receive an electronic version of the newsletter – go to
FUN FACT: I’ll let you in on a little secret. I have a dream of getting one of these installed in Eagle River. When I was deployed, Sunday morning’s were the best. Listening to church bells ringing out across the German countryside was incredibly reassuring. Burt and I traveled through Pennsylvania several years ago and stopped at the 9/11 Shanksville Memorial. There is a carillon at the entrance.
A carillon (US: /ˈkærəlɒn/ KAR
Carillons come in many designs, weights, sizes, and sounds. They are among the world’s heaviest instruments, and the heaviest carillon weighs over 91 metric tons (100 short tons). Most weigh between 4.5 and 15 metric tons (5.0 and 16.5 short tons). To be considered a carillon, a minimum of 23 bells are needed; otherwise, it is called a chime. Standard-sized instruments have about 50, and the world’s largest has 77 bells. The appearance of a carillon depends on the number and weight of the bells and the tower in which it is housed. They may be found in towers which are free-standing or connected to a building. The bells of a carillon may be directly exposed to the elements or hidden inside the structure of their tower.
The origins of the carillon can be traced to the Low Countries—present-day Belgium, the Netherlands, and the French Netherlands—in the 16th century. The modern carillon was invented in 1644 when Jacob van Eyck and the Hemony brothers cast the first tuned carillon. The instrument experienced a peak until the late-18th century, a decline during the French Revolution, a revival in the late 19th century, a second decline during the First and Second World Wars, and a second revival thereafter. UNESCO has designated 56 belfries in Belgium and France as a World Heritage Site and recognized the carillon culture of Belgium as an intangible cultural heritage.
Safe travels to Sandy and Mike Bishop as they travel to Switzerland. They will be gone from Aug 27 to Sep 9th. Mike will check his email occasionally if you need anything. Sandy has the Weekend Backpack set up and ready to go in her absence. We expect a yodeling exhibition upon your return as part of our musical enhancement to worship service. The picture following is not an actual representation of Mike & Sandy.
NOTES: The picture at the top is from our nephew’s wedding. He was married this past Saturday (by Burt!) in Beloit, WI. His bride is a wonderful young woman. Burt was thrilled to be asked to officiate their wedding. To be truthful, Aaron’s mother was a bit concerned because Burt can be a bit unorthodox. Burt nailed it. He is such a good speaker and he was able to give the couple what they asked for (a brief exchange of vows) but also appeased both me and my sister-in-law by emphasizing the importance of God in their relationship. It was a beautiful day.
The rest of the pictures had to be dedicated to Council meeting meetings and the Treasurer’s Report. Good information for everyone to have. These documents are also included in this weeks bulletin, are hanging on the bulletin board in the main church foyer as well as the bulletin boards in the hallway outside of the front office.
Seems strange that summer finally arrived during the last weeks of August. I’ll take it! These past few days have been absolutely gorgeous. Hope everyone is able to enjoy them. My niece from California (the one who graduated from college this past June) is in town. Burt and I are having a great time showing her around. Although she is here for a week it definitely feels too short of a time to get everything done. We will continue to enjoy in the moment.